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Test Application Coordination and Support Activity - National Researcher Training School (graduate level)
Application typeCoordination and Support Activity
Application deadlineOpen-ended
Relevant thematic areas for this callDemocracy, administration and renewalEnergy, transport and low emissionsGlobal development and international relationsOceansHealthHumanities and social sciencesIndustry and servicesClimate and polar researchLand-based food, the environment and bioresourcesLife sciencesEnabling technologiesNatural sciences and technologiesPetroleumEducation and competenceWelfare, culture and societyTrade and industryPolicy and government administration areasInternationalisationJoint international programmesGround-breaking researchResearch infrastructureDonor matching schemeCommercialisationCommunication and disseminationAntimicrobial resistance
Target groupsResearch organisations
The opportunity to see the content of an application form.
About the call for proposals
The opportunity to see the content of an application form.
Who is eligible to apply?
Not relevant.
Who can participate in the project?
Not relevant.
What can you seek funding for?
Not relevant.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
Democracy, administration and renewal
Democracy, power and governanceSocietal securityPublic sector renewal and innovation
Energy, transport and low emissions
Environment-friendly energyRenewable energy (wind, hydropower, solar, bioenergy, geoenergy, other)The energy system (components, systems technology, markets and organisation)Energy consumption in buildings, built-up areas and industryEnergy consumption in transportEnergy policy (economics, societal issues, environmental impacts and sustainability)CO2 capture and storageTransport and mobility
Global development and international relations
Development researchForeign and international relationsGlobal health
AquacultureFisheriesFood - Blue sectorMarine sectorMaritime sectorOcean technology
Humanities and social sciences
Industry and services
Environmental technologyLow and zero emissionsCircular economySustainable production and consumptionDigitalisationBusiness modelsOrganisation and management (research on)Travel and tourismHealthAdvanced production processesResearch on ICT developmentBiotechnologyMaterials technologyNanotechnology/advanced materialsMicro- and nanoelectronicsOcean technology
Climate and polar research
ClimatePolarThe ArcticAntarcticaSvalbardGlobal environmental challengesGlobal climate challenges
Land-based food, the environment and bioresources
Production systemsBioeconomyNew productsFood safetyServicesClimateGreen initiativesBiodiversity and the environment
Life sciences
Enabling technologies
BiotechnologyDigitalisation and use of ICTeScienceResearch on ICT developmentNanotechnology/advanced materials
Natural sciences and technologies
Reducing greenhouse gases, energy efficiency and the environmentSubsurface understandingDrilling, completion and interventionProduction, processing and transportMajor accidents and the working environment
Education and competence
EducationProfessional education and practiceTeaching and learningManagement, organisation and governance in educationEducation and competence for participation in working life and society
Welfare, culture and society
WelfareLiving conditions and demographic changesFamilies and formative conditionsMigration, immigration and integrationThe welfare society's services and organisationWelfare benefitsCultural prerequisites, sustainability of and support for the welfare societyCultureCultural foundation of societyCulture, language and diversityCulture and natureScience and societyArt and cultureMedia and communicationWorking life and labour marketWorking lifeLabour marketSámi society and culture
Trade and industry
Trade and industry throughout the countryFisheries and aquacultureForests and woodAgricultureFood industryOil, gasEnergyProcessing industryManufacturing industryICT industryBuilding, construction and miningTransport and communicationsFinance and bankingHealth industryTravel and tourismMedia and cultureOther servicesHealthAnimal healthTelecommunicationsAviationSpace explorationShippingPolice, fire and rescue, defenceSmart cityGaming and entertainmentSports, trainingEducationTextile industryIndustry-independent sector
Policy and government administration areas
Trade and industryLearning, schools and educationOil and gasFisheries and coastal areasForests, agriculture and foodEnvironment, climate and nature managementHealth and careWelfareWorking lifeJustice and the judicial systemMunicipal, district and regional administrationTransport and communicationsChildren and familiesFinance markets and economic governanceCulture, church affairs, sports and mediaForeign policyDefence and public securityPublic administrationDigitalisation of the public sector
Research Stay Abroad for Doctoral FellowResearch Stay Abroad for Postdoctoral FellowExtension for Postdoctoral FellowFunding for increased international participationMobilityInternational hostSupplementary funding
Joint international programmes
AALAXISBelmont ForumBiodivERsACRPECSELERACoBioTechERACoSysMedERA-CVDERA-GASERA-NET BlueBioERA-NET MarTERAERA-NET NEURONERA-NET REGSYSERA-NET SmartgridsERA PerMedEuratomEuroNanoMed IIIEurostars2GeothermicaHERAJPI ClimateJPI Cultural HeritageJPI HDHLJPI JPNDJPI OceansJPI on Antimicrobial ResistanceJPI Urban EuropeJPI Water ChallengesNORFACEQuantERASusAnSusCropOther EUOther international initiative
Ground-breaking research
Research infrastructure
Donor matching scheme
Communication and dissemination
Antimicrobial resistance
Practical information
• The extent to which the concept is sound, credible and novel.
• The extent to which the project objectives are clear and relevant.
• The quality of the proposed deliverables from the project.
• The extent to which the concept is sound, credible and novel.
• The extent to which the project objectives are clear and relevant.
• The quality of the proposed deliverables from the project.
• The extent to which the expected effects are specified.
• The extent to which expected impacts on the system and societal levels are specified.
Knowledge sharing and exploitation
• The quality of the proposed communication and dissemination activities.
• The extent to which it is credible that the proposed outputs will contribute to the specified effects and impact.
• The extent to which the expected effects are specified.
• The extent to which expected impacts on the system and societal levels are specified.
Knowledge sharing and exploitation
• The quality of the proposed communication and dissemination activities.
• The extent to which it is credible that the proposed outputs will contribute to the specified effects and impact.
Project Manager and project group
• The extent to which the Project Manager and project group are qualified and have the necessary expertise and are positioned to implement the project.
• The extent to which management structures and procedures are appropriate.
Plans and management
• The extent to which the work plan is clear and understandable, and the time table realistic
• The extent to which objectives and measures are coherent.
• The extent to which the project has the support of the leadership of the Project Owner and any partners, and the allocation of roles in the project is clear.
• The extent to which the budget is realistic and appropriate, and resources are allocated so that each of the partners can fulfil their role.
• The extent to which potential risks have been discussed.
• The extent to which the Project Manager and project group are qualified and have the necessary expertise and are positioned to implement the project.
• The extent to which management structures and procedures are appropriate.
Plans and management
• The extent to which the work plan is clear and understandable, and the time table realistic
• The extent to which objectives and measures are coherent.
• The extent to which the project has the support of the leadership of the Project Owner and any partners, and the allocation of roles in the project is clear.
• The extent to which the budget is realistic and appropriate, and resources are allocated so that each of the partners can fulfil their role.
• The extent to which potential risks have been discussed.
Create application
Applications for Test Application Coordination and Support Activity - National Researcher Training School (graduate level) should be created on My RCN Web. Application templates should be filled and uploaded in the application.
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