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Radical Research Ideas for Early Career Scientists

This is a planned call. The call text is not complete and will be changed up to the time where we open up for applications, which is planned for March.  


The purpose of this call is to fund curiosity-driven and bold research that can contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art. This call is the first step in phased funding and is aimed at researchers who want to test particularly bold research ideas. The ideas must be so bold that the risk of failure is too high to justify starting a large project, but where the research could have a significant impact on the field if the project is successful. Project managers for successful research idea projects may later apply for larger FRIPRO projects and be prioritized there. 

About the call for proposals

About Radical Research Ideas 

New knowledge often arises in unexpected ways and in areas that are impossible to predict. Therefore, free, basic research is important for scientific and academic renewal, and can form the basis for more applied research, business development and policy-making. Radical Research Ideas will contribute to this, and we are therefore announcing funding for basic and applied research projects in all research areas, where the project ideas come from the scientists themselves.  

Five calls for ground-breaking research 

We want to reach researchers at different stages of their research careers and different stages of their research. We therefore have five calls for proposals:  

  • Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility: for project managers with 0-7 years' experience after receiving their PhD  
  • Radical research Ideas for Early Career Scientists (this call): for project managers with 2-7 years' experience after receiving their PhD 
  • Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists: for project managers with 2-7 years' experience after receiving their PhD 
  • Researcher project for Experienced Scientists: for project managers with at least 6 years after receiving their PhD or being approved with associate professor competence  
  • Top researchers: for project managers with at least 6 years after receiving their PhD or being approved with associate professor competence in cooperation with at least one other researcher with at least 2 years of experience after receiving their PhD or being approved with associate professor competence 

If you meet the requirements for more than one call, our general recommendation is to choose one of the calls with the lowest requirements for experience for the project manager. Here, we expect you to have the best chance of reaching the top of the competition for funding.   

Phased funding of radical research ideas  

This call for proposals aims to give researchers early in their career the opportunity to test their particularly bold research ideas. These are ideas that are initially too immature or radical, and without sufficient preliminary results to succeed within the ordinary FRIPRO calls for proposals. Applicants will, through this project, have the opportunity to obtain such results and thus lay the foundation for a larger project.  

Project managers who are granted a Radical Research Ideas project can later apply for a FRIPRO project based on the results from this project. Qualified applications will compete for funding from a prioritized amount of funding for this purpose. Qualified applications that are not granted funding from this amount, will in addition participate in the competition for funding in FRIPRO on an equal footing with other FRIPRO applications. 

Goal of high success rate  

The Research Council is willing to invest in bold research that can make significant advances in the field, even though it also carries a significant risk of failure. Radical Research Ideas is an opportunity for researchers to do just that. Applications for Radical Research Ideas will be evaluated and graded by reviewers. Only applications with the highest gradeswill be eligible for funding, but you only need to convince the majority of the reviewers that your idea is worth pursuing. 

When can you submit your application and when will you receive an answer?  

FRIPRO's calls for proposals have ongoing application reception and processing. This means that you can submit an application at any time as long as you are not subject to a FRIPRO waiting period or submission restriction period. We process the applications as they are received. The project for which you are applying for funding must have a planned project start 8-18 months after you submit the application. Read more under "Administrative procedures" about application processing and application processing time.  

We have made a video where we go through the application form: FRIPRO ongoing application reception and processing (video in Norwegian). 

The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is legally binding. In the event of changes, the call text that appears at the time you submit the application applies to your application.  

Who is eligible to apply?

Only approved Norwegian research organisations may apply. See here for the list of approved Norwegian research organisations. 

Who can participate in the project?

Requirements relating to the Project Owner  

The research organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the application.  

Requirements relating to the project manager  

Experience requirements: You must have an approved doctorate or been approved with associate professor competence, and the period between the date of defence of your doctoral dissertation and the day you submit your application must be between two and seven years. If more than seven years have passed since you defended your dissertation, you may apply to subtract statutory leaves of absence, compulsory military or civilian service, seeking asylum or sick leave in accordance with our rules for subtracting time.   

Rules for subtracting time     

  • You may apply to subtract time used in connection with:   
  • statutory leaves of absence,   
  • compulsory military or civilian service (up to 12 months for either of these),   
  • seeking asylum (for the period from the submission date to the date of decision on the asylum/refugee application and/or receipt of residence permit), or   
  • continuous full-time and/or part-time sick leave equal to at least eight weeks full-time absence   

The periods to be subtracted must have taken place after the doctoral defence. In order to grant a subtraction, you are required to submit documentation of the time you are asking to subtract with your grant application. You must also enter the time deduction in the application form. We accept documentation from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), physicians/health services and other public bodies (in Norway or other countries), and employers. Documentation from current or former supervisors is not sufficient. If you are providing documentation from an employer, it must come from the employer’s administration department, such as the HR department. The documentation must be submitted in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English, or must be accompanied by a certified translation into one of these languages.   

We follow the rules for leaves of absence set out in the Norwegian Working Environment Act, and you may apply to subtract time for any leaves of absence you would have been entitled to if you had lived in Norway at the time. For example, you may subtract time for parental leave in a country that does not have statutory parental leave, provided that you actually took parental leave. You must be able to document the leave as described above .
  • Ongoing project: You can submit an application for Radical Research Ideas even if you have an ongoing FRIPRO project. 
  • Employment requirements: You must be employed in at least 20 per cent of a full-time position at the Project Owner (research organisation) for the entire duration of the project period. You can be employed in a position as researcher or another academic position. You may, but do not have to, be employed by the Project Owner when you submit your grant application  

Waiting period and submission restriction period  

As a project manager for a FRIPRO application, you will have a one-year waiting period calculated from the date you submitted the application until you can be the project manager for a new FRIPRO application. This also applies to applications for Radical Research Ideas. If the application receives scores below certain thresholds in the panel review, the project leader will, for some of the calls, also receive a 1-2-year FRIPRO submission restriction period. The length of the submission restriction period depends on which call for proposals you applied for funding from. Applications for Radical Research Ideas in Early Career do not result in a submission restriction period for the project leader, regardless of scores, but if you have a submission restriction period after submitting another FRIPRO application, you cannot be the project leader for an application for Radical Research Ideas. 

This In the table below, you can see which average marks give the different waiting and submission restriction periods. (Scale of marks 1–7, where 7 is the highest mark.)  

Call for proposals  

1 year waiting period  
+ 0 years submission restriction period 

1 year waiting period  
+ 1 year submission restriction period 

1 year waiting period  
+ 2 years submission restriction period  

Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility  




Radical Research Ideas for Early Career Scientists 




Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists/Young Talents  




Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists 




Top Researchers 




You cannot be the project manager for a new FRIPRO application if you have a waiting period or submission restriction period, but you can be a project participant in other FRIPRO applications and a project manager for applications for other calls from the Research Council, regardless of the waiting period and submission restriction period in FRIPRO. The waiting period and submission restriction period apply across all FRIPRO's calls, unless otherwise described in the call.  

The waiting period also means that you can only be the project manager for one application to FRIPRO at a time. You must therefore choose which of the five calls you want to apply for. Check the requirements for the project manager and purpose for each call to see which one is right for you and your project.  

The submission restriction period does not have retroactive effect and only applies in the calls where the submission restriction period is/was described. Project managers for applications submitted in 2022 and previous years with a mark point average below the thresholds are therefore not in a submission restriction period. These project managers can be the project manager for a FRIPRO application at this time.  

Requirements relating to partners  

Only approved research organisations (see "Who is eligible to apply?" above) or equivalent research organisations in other countries are eligible to be partners and receive funding under this call. Other types of organisations, such as companies and other undertakings, may not be project partners in Researcher Projects. Read more about partners.  

The Project Owner and/or partners can engage subcontractors to provide services and contribute to the implementation of certain tasks in the project. Subcontractors may not be granted rights to project results. Organisations that are subject to the regulations for public procurement must in the normal manner carry out the selection of subcontractors in accordance with these regulations. It is not possible to have R&D suppliers in the project.    

A project partner may not have two different roles in the project. This means that a subcontractor may not serve as Project Owner or partner in the project at the same time.  

What can you seek funding for?

You can apply for funding to cover actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information about costs from the project partners. These costs are to be entered in the cost plan under the relevant cost category.  

Support may be granted to cover the following costs:  

  • Payroll and indirect expenses. Costs related to researcher time (including the position of the project manager) at the research organisations participating in the project. 
  • Equipment. This includes operating and depreciation costs for scientific equipment and research infrastructure necessary to carry out the project.  
  • Operating expenses. Costs for other activities that are necessary to carry out the project's R&D activities. Purchase from subcontractors over NOK 100 000 must be specified.   

You will find detailed and important information about what to enter in the project budget on our website on what to enter in the project budget

Scope of funding  

We can award funding of NOK 0.5-2 million per project under this call. We do not require own financing. However, if our lump sum rates do not cover all costs for positions in the university and university college sector, the difference must be covered through own financing. For research positions in the institute sector, the institute's reported hourly rates must be used. 


The Research Council requires a high standard of research ethics in the projects we fund, and ethics is included in the assessment criterion for Research Quality. In the template for the project description, there is a separate section that deals with this. The description of ethics is first and foremost an assurance to the peers that there is a plan in place to deal with the most important ethical dilemmas in the project. If you need to describe this in more detail, this can be done elsewhere in the project description, for example under method selection, or you can do so in the data management plan(s) (see below).  

The responsibility for ensuring that the research ethics standard is followed lies with the individual researcher and research institution (cf. the Act on the Organisation of Research Ethics Work). The panel's assessment and the Research Council's decision on funding do not entail any research ethics approval.  

Conditions for funding  

We do not award state aid under this call. This means that the funding can only go to the research organisation's non-economic activity. We assume that the necessary accounting separation is in place. Our conditions for awarding and disbursing support for the first year, and any commitments and payments for subsequent years, can be found in our general terms and conditions for R&D projects on the information page What the contract involves.    

In addition, you must be aware of the following if you should receive an award from us:  

Relevant thematic areas for this call

The call covers all disciplines and research areas, and we are accepting applications for funding for both applied and basic research.

Ground-breaking research

Practical information

Requirements for this application type

The application must be created and submitted via My RCN Web. This call for proposals is open-ended, which means that you can create and submit an application at any time. You can edit and save a created application until you submit it. It is the application that is submitted that is processed. You cannot change the application after you have submitted it. 

If you wish to make any changes to an application after you’ve submitted it, you must withdraw it. You can do so by sending us an e-mail to with a copy to the administrative officer of the application stating the ES number of the application. Applications withdrawn within one month of submission do not result in a waiting period. You may then create a new application as a copy of the old one, make any necessary changes, and submit it again.  

The application must meet the following requirements:  

  • The application and all attachments must be written in English.  
  • Mandatory attachments must be included.  
  • The attachments must be in PDF format.  
  • Requirements relating to the project manager, the Project Owner, the research organisation and partners must be met.  
  • The project must have a planned start date between 8 and 18 months after submission of the application.   

If the application does not meet the requirements in the list above, we will ask you to withdraw the application and possibly resubmit it where the deficiencies have been corrected. If the application is not withdrawn, it may be rejected. Project managers of rejected applications receive a one year waiting period. 

Mandatory attachments  

The mandatory attachments must be written in templates that can be found at the end of the call.  

  • project description, maximum 8 pages  
  • CV of the project manager, maximum four pages  
  • Documentation for subtracting time if you apply for a deduction for experience. (We don't have a template for this. The document must be uploaded under Attachments/Other items in the application form.)  

Optional attachments  

  • Attach CVs for the most important project participants (if there are any) 
    • Each CV must be a maximum of 4 pages 
    • It is mandatory to use the CV template at the bottom of the call.  
    • Upload each CV as a separate attachment and select the attachment category "Curriculum vitae (CV)".  
    • You will assess which project participants are the most important, and in which cases it will be of importance in the application processing to assess the project participants' qualifications.  
  • If you wish, you can attach a brief description of competence or suggestions for up to three peers you believe would be suitable to assess your application. We are not obliged to use the suggestions, but can do so if necessary.  

All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application.   

Attachments other than those mentioned here as mandatory and optional, as well as any websites that you link to in the application, will not be included in the assessment of the application.  

Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form. 

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria are under development. The call for proposals will be updated and open for applications as soon as the assessment criteria are ready, scheduled for March. 


Administrative procedures

The application process is under development. The call for proposals will be updated as soon as possible. 

Each application is assessed by peer reviewers before the Portfolio Board for Ground-breaking Research makes a decision on whether to award funding to an application or not. The portfolio board will do this approximately every two months for all applications that have been peer-reviewed.   

Applications that are not eligible for funding will be rejected. Applications that qualify for funding are included in the competition for funding in three decision rounds. If your application qualifies, but is not granted in the first decision round, it will be given a second chance in the next decision round. If it is not granted then either, it will be included in a third and final round. Applications that are included in their second or third round will compete on an equal footing with newly received applications.  

The application processing time for each application will vary, depending on factors such as the number of applications received within the same subject area, the availability of peer reviewers and coincidences. The average application processing time is estimated to be 4 months for applications that receive a response in the first round of decisions in which they are processed, with variations of 2-8 months. If your application is included in several rounds, it will take 2-4 months longer before you receive an answer to your application compared to an application that is either rejected or that is awarded funding in its first round of decision. 

We will announce which applications that are awarded funding about every two months. Applicants will also receive a letter on My RCN Web. 

See "FRIPRO's application processing" on the FRIPRO information page for a more thorough description of the application processing in FRIPRO.  

Mandatory attachment

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