Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022
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- Mal for prosjektbeskrivelse Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet 2022.docx
- Template for Project Description -- Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
- Mal for partneropplysninger - Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet 2022.docx
- Template for Information about Applicant and Partner Companies - Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
- Template for CV - Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
This call for proposals has an open-ended deadline. Grant applications that will be included in the second application processing of 2022, must be submitted by 14 September. The amount presumed available has been reduced following a decision by the Research Council's Executive Board.
We estimate that up to NOK 500 million will be available for the next allocation, but this limit may change. The specified sums in the thematic area texts are not aligned according to the new frame. If you have any questions about available funding per topic, please contact the contact persons listed in the thematic area texts.
Our call Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector is aimed at companies engaged in business-led innovation projects where research and development (R&D) is a critical part of the innovation process.
We seek to support projects with multiple partners working together to develop sustainable innovations, be it new or improved products, services or production processes.
The project partners should gain valuable new knowledge and insights from their R&D work, where the economic value to society from generating and disseminating this knowledge often exceeds the economic benefits enjoyed by the project partners.
About the call for proposals
We seek project proposals from companies engaged in research-based innovation with clear objectives of developing sustainable innovations that directly or indirectly support the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). You can read more about research-based innovation and sustainable innovations at our website Bærekraft og Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet (English version will be published later).
The call encompasses a wide thematic scope and is relevant for many parts of the Norwegian business sector. Below, you will find more details about the call, its thematic areas and eligibility criteria for applying.
You may submit your grant application at any time, up to and including 14 September 2022, 23:59 CEST. We process applications twice a year. Read more under the section ‘Expected funding decision’ (under ‘Processing procedures’ towards the end of the call).
This call for proposals constitutes a funding scheme that is notified to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), and must be practised in compliance with the EEA state aid rules. Read more about state aid under the section ‘Conditions for funding’.
See also frequently asked questions about Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector.
The Norwegian-language call for proposals is the legally binding version.
Are you also planning to apply for funding for your project from the SkatteFunn tax credit scheme? Read more about this scheme and the conditions on the website: Incentive effect and combination of tools (in Norwegian only). ( - the page opens in a new window).
Please note that you cannot apply for innovation funding for a project that has already started.
Who is eligible to apply?
This call is open to companies that have been issued an enterprise number under the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises and that carry out economic activity in Norway. The applicant must either be a private company or a public enterprise that carries out activities of an industrial or business nature. We will use the collective term ‘company’ in the rest of the call for proposals.
Sole proprietorships and research organisations are not eligible to serve as a formal applicant.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The Project Owner must secure funding for the project (over and above the Research Council’s funding) and make provisions for utilisation of the project results.
Requirements relating to collaboration and roles in the project
- The Project Owner must carry out the project together with at least one partner or one R&D provider. You must register these in the section ‘Project partners and R&D providers’ in the application form. Read more about project partners and R&D providers here.
- Partners must also fulfil the criteria listed under the section ‘Who is eligible to apply?’ to be able to participate in the project and receive funding. Partners must be involved in what is known as an effective collaboration with the Project Owner, which entails sharing both the risk associated with the project and the results it generates. Partners whose project costs are covered in part by Research Council funding are recipients of state aid.
- Norwegian and foreign research organisations or research infrastructure may participate in the project as R&D providers with responsibility for performing R&D work on assignment for the partner companies. Where a research organisation or research infrastructure is used to perform contract research or provide a research service to an undertaking, the undertaking typically specifies the terms and conditions of the contract, and owns the results of the research activities and carries the risk of failure. In that case research organisation or research infrastructure will typically receive payment of an adequate remuneration for its services at market price. Where the ownership of, or access rights to intellectual property rights ('IPR') remain with the research organisation or research infrastructure, their market value may be deducted from the price payable for the services concerned.
- Where a PhD candidate contributes to the R&D provider’s work on the project, restrictions cannot be placed on the publication of the candidate’s doctoral work. An exception to this rule can be made if the parties agree up front on a delay of the publication.
- Since the research organisations’ work in the innovation projects is procured through an assignment, such work, when assigned to universities and university colleges, will be classified as contract R&D. This means that they must ensure that all relevant costs, including those associated with doctoral work in the project, are reimbursed.
- Other international and public sector bodies may participate in the project, but they must not be entered as partners in the application form. This type of collaboration can be described under ‘Other collaboration’ under section 3.3. of the project description.
- The Project Owner or one of the partners may not be in an interdependent relationship with any of the R&D providers in the project, e.g., where both entities are part of the same corporation. The ‘arm’s length principle’ must be observed when engaging R&D providers.
- The Project Owner and partners participating in the project that are interdependent will be considered as one entity and as a single recipient of funding in accordance with the state aid rules.
- The relevant partners and R&D providers at the time the application is submitted forms the basis for our assessment of the application, and their participation in the project is a stringent condition for funding. If you change the composition of the project before we enter into a contract with you, we may therefore withdraw our funding pledge.
Typical characteristics of a funded project
- You want to initiate the project because you have a unique innovation idea that you wish to realise. The results of the project may be in the form of a new product, service or production process, or new means of delivering products and/or services. A result in this context can also mean significantly improving or adding new features to existing products, services or processes for the company.
- You can demonstrate that the project will have a likely and significant positive impact for one or more sustainable development goals. We expect the project to have a positive impact without causing harm to other areas.
- The project's partnership constellation forms the basis for long-term collaboration, development and dissemination of knowledge and effective mutual utilisation of the results. Partners and R&D providers that are going to participate in the project have clarified their interests and tasks in the project, and have described their role in the activities they are to participate in. The number and size of the partners in the project will not determine whether it is successful. A good project, on the other hand, is characterised by each partner having defined tasks and a clear role.
- The companies collaborating in the project have a need for new knowledge or new technology in order to deliver the intended innovation. The knowledge or technology is to be developed through R&D activities using recognised methodology. The project’s R&D activities must satisfy the definition of either ‘industrial research’ or ‘experimental development’ as set out in the state aid rules (see Article 25: Important definitions).
- The Project Owner and partners have access to the R&D expertise necessary to carry out the project.
- The scope and risk profile of the project is such that the companies would not be able to carry out the project without Research Council funding. This means that funding from the Research Council is a critical incentive for implementing the R&D activities. Project funding from the Research Council may also be instrumental in helping companies to obtain follow-up investments from private risk capital investors that can be used to further develop and utilise the results.
- You have incorporated clear objectives and a concrete plan for the project’s R&D activities and for utilising the results. Results and knowledge that are not bound by protection agreements related to the company’s planned commercial utilisation are disseminated via publications and other relevant dissemination channels.
What can you seek funding for?
Parts of the partner companies’ costs pertaining to R&D activities under the project qualify for funding. Article 25 of the state aid rules describes which activities qualify for funding and which costs associated with these activities can be fully or partially funded. The funding can cover both direct and indirect project costs to the extent they can be categorised as costs pertaining to industrial research or experimental development. This applies to both costs associated with R&D activities performed by the project partners and for purchase of R&D services.
You can find detailed information about what types of costs qualify for funding here.
We will not provide funding for operational business activities including activities associated with the commercial exploitation of the R&D results, such as protection of intellectual property rights, market surveys and marketing, and testing and completion of new products or services. Nor is funding provided for costs that will not be recorded in the Project Owner or partners’ official accounts, such as own unpaid work effort. Such costs are therefore not to be included in the project budget.
Scope of funding
You can apply for funding to cover up to 50 per cent of the companies’ costs in the project. The scope of funding for the company’s project costs covered within the maximum 50 per cent limit depends on the size of the company and the type of R&D activities to be carried out.
See the table below and read more about state aid on our website under Article 25: Aid for research and development projects.
Type of company/type of activity |
Industrial research |
Experimental development |
Small business |
50% |
45% |
Medium-sized business |
50% |
35% |
Large business |
50% |
25% |
For applications awarded funding, we will assess to what extent the funding increases R&D investments from the Project Owner and project partners. The final amount of funding will be stipulated when we enter into a contract with you. You will receive an offer of funding on condition that a revised application is prepared in accordance with the conditional decision, cf. the points below.
Conditions for funding
This call for proposals constitutes a funding scheme that is notified to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA).
Funding awarded under this scheme is granted in accordance with Article 25 of the General Block Exemption Regulation for state aid (Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014). The general terms and conditions in Chapter I of the Regulation must also be satisfied.
See the consolidated version of the General Block Exemption Regulation for state aid (page opens in a new window). This funding scheme must be practised in compliance with the EEA state aid rules. Conditions and concepts are to be interpreted in keeping with corresponding conditions and concepts in the state aid rules. In the event of conflict between the text of the call and the state aid rules, the latter will have precedence. The text of the call may be adjusted for the same reason.
State aid may not be given to an undertaking that is subject to an outstanding recovery order following a formal decision by the EFTA Surveillance Authority or the European Commission stating that state aid received is illegal and incompatible with the internal market. Nor can the Research Council award state aid to an enterprise that is defined as an ‘undertaking in difficulty’ under the state aid rules, unless the undertaking was not in difficulty as of 31 December 2019, but became an undertaking in difficulty in the period 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2021. It may in such case receive funding.
The call for proposals has been approved as an aid scheme by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) with the reference: GBER 11/2022/R&D&I.
If your project is granted funding, you will have to revise the application. The revised application must incorporate updated and supplementary information about the project and participating partners, including documentation of implementation capacity and own funding. The participating companies must also submit a declaration confirming that they are qualified to receive state aid.
If your application is awarded funding, you should also note that:
- The project must commence no later than four months after the awarded grant was announced. Projects approved for funding that have not started within this date may lose their grant.
- You must submit accounting reports annually documenting incurred project costs and their financing.
- Other public funding allocated to the project, or to activities under the project, will affect the amount of funding that the Research Council can provide.
- If the Research Council allocates your project EUR 500,000 or **more, this will be listed in a public registry.
- You must inform any partners listed on the stock exchange or that have applied to be admitted to trading as quickly as possible to give them an opportunity to assess whether the allocation of funding is sensitive inside information.
- The Research Council’s requirements relating to allocations can be found in our General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects on the page What the contract involves.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
The topics listed below describe the objectives, emphases and priorities for the allocation of funds. See the respective portfolio plans and work programmes referred to under ‘Relevant plans’ for more information about the priorities pertaining to each topic.
We encourage applicants to review these plans to understand the basis for how we assess and prioritise between applications. The Research Council strives to achieve a balanced project portfolio of supported projects within the specified topics.
Please remember to select both thematic area and topic in the grant application form. The chosen thematic area and topic are merely for our guidance and will help us plan the application review process. You must describe the application’s relevance to the chosen thematic area(s) under section 4.2 in the project description. If we see that you have not chosen the correct thematic area/topic, we will move the application to where it is best suited to be assessed. As a rule, we do not notify you of that move.
Regarding the framework for funding, there is a minimum of NOK 2 million, while the maximum limit for funding varies between the different topics. This is stated in the text under each topic. The differences are due to the overall budget framework and specific character of the topics. The application must comply with the framework for funding of the topic in which the application is assessed, and the application may be rejected if the funding you apply for surpasses the specified limit.
If at a given time all funding available within the respective topics has been allocated, we will post a notification of this at the top of this call. Applications received for topics that do not have available funding will be rejected. These applications may be re-submitted if any new funding becomes available.
Please contact the advisers affiliated with the respective topics for more information about the topic.
Energy, transport and low emissions
Funding is available for projects that promote the long-term, sustainable development of the energy system, that enhance the competitiveness of Norwegian trade and industry, and that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We will fund projects within the entire scope of environment-friendly energy as defined in the portfolio plan under the thematic priorities for energy and low emissions (see the link below). This encompasses the following areas:
- the energy transition and impacts on society, the climate and the environment;
- renewable electricity based on solar energy, wind power and hydropower;
- bioenergy and other thermal energy;
- infrastructures for energy distribution, including an integrated and digital power grid;
- solutions for energy use in buildings and built-up areas;
- de-carbonisation of industrial processes;
- batteries and electrification of transport;
- hydrogen and other hydrogen-based energy carriers.
In the application, we encourage you to specify the project’s direct and indirect potential to reduce CO2 emissions and/or to quantify its contribution to energy efficiency or more energy-efficient value chains. This can be described in the project description in the section about the project’s contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
When we award a mark for the application’s relevance, we will place emphasis on whether the project:
- falls within at least one of the topics listed above;
- has a feasible plan for financing of the project and an ambitious development, industrialisation and scaling plan;
- will be carried out by a strong consortium.
Portfolio assessment and areas given particular priority in 2022
We strive to achieve a balanced overall portfolio of projects that covers the breadth of the areas described above.
In 2022, we will also prioritise projects that concern:
- cost-effective, safe and sustainable production and use of clean hydrogen.(See the Research Council’s information page on its hydrogen initiative – in Norwegian only. The page opens in a new window). About half of this year’s announced funding will be allocated to this topic.
- efficient coordination between electrical infrastructure and other energy infrastructure, such as thermal, to alleviate challenges related to peak demand.
We will prioritise projects led by women project managers if the applications are otherwise considered to be of similar quality.
Budget and funding amount
The expected amount available in 2022 for Innovation Projects in environment-friendly energy and low emissions is NOK 275–300 million.
The projects can receive NOK 2–20 million in funding from the Research Council.
Project applications sought an average of NOK 9.7 million in funding in 2021. Extra requirements are made of the applicant’s implementation capacity and description of own funding for projects that apply for more than NOK 10 million in funding.
Applications for projects of a cross-sectoral nature that touch on the fields of energy and petroleum research and/or carbon capture and storage will be assessed for co-funding between the portfolios.
General enquiries
Batteries and electrification of transport
Solar energy
Energy transitions and impacts on society, climate and the environment
Hydroelectric power
Infrastructures for energy distribution, including an integrated and digital power grid
Bioenergy and other thermal energy
Hydrogen and other hydrogen-based energy carriers
Wind power
Buildings and built-up areas
Other relevant calls with the same topic
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects that contribute to long-term and sustainable technology development within carbon capture and storage (CCS). The projects must both promote a competitive Norwegian trade and industry sector and contribute to a sustainable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Applications for projects within all areas of the topic are relevant. The priorities are described in more detail in the work programme below.
Applications for projects that address the following topics are particularly encouraged:
- hydrogen production from natural gas combined with carbon capture and storage;
- projects that contribute results that are relevant to the Norwegian Longship project for carbon capture and storage.
We will also prioritise projects that have a feasible and ambitious plan for development, industrialisation and up-scaling, as well as projects with strong consortia.
NOK 20 million has been set aside for ‘Carbon capture and storage’ under this call. The projects can receive NOK 2–6 million in funding from the Research Council.
Applications for projects of a cross-sectoral nature that touch on the fields of energy and petroleum research, carbon capture and storage, and/or maritime transport will be assessed for co-funding between the portfolios.
Carbon capture and storage
General enquiries
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects that help to increase value creation in the maritime industry.
We would like projects within all areas of the thematic area maritime activities and offshore operations:
- opportunities in the ocean industries;
- autonomous and remote-controlled vessels;
- digital transformation of the maritime industry;
- promoting climate and environmentally friendly maritime activities/green shipping;
- safety and security at sea;
- the Arctic and northern areas.
For more information about the priorities for this thematic area, please see the portfolio plan under ‘Relevant plans’ below.
Projects within the area climate and environmentally friendly maritime operations/green shipping should facilitate emission reductions from maritime transport and contribute to the maritime sector’s green transition. Applicants must give an account of the estimated total emission reduction for the technology/technologies the proposed project has targeted for development. The grant application must also include a description of the time perspective and framework conditions for implementing the knowledge and/or technology in relation to the industry’s climate targets for 2030 and 2050. The solutions must be scalable for industry and form the basis for sustainable growth in exports.
The Maritime Zero 2050 initiative
Within the thematic area climate and environmentally friendly maritime operations/ green shipping, we will prioritise projects that target the Maritime Zero 2050 initiative. This must be projects that provide new, better and feasible zero-emission solutions for ships that are able to travel longer distances. The projects must contribute to sustainable innovations and develop new technology and solutions that are suitable for marine vessel segments and distances that do not currently have zero-emission solutions available.
To achieve the goal of zero-emission solutions over longer distances, it will be necessary to invest in activities ranging from basic research and knowledge development via applied research and development to testing and demonstration of solutions. To achieve beneficial and integrated collaboration on such activities, we invite research groups and enterprises to join forces and form consortia and to develop complex projects, some of which will involve activities suitable for a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project while others for one or more Innovation Projects or Demonstration Projects.
Complex projects of this kind comprising all of the above project types/application types will be assessed in the context of the spring 2022 round of applications, with simultaneous assessment and funding decisions by the portfolio board in June. In the Maritime Zero 2050 initiative, we will therefore also give priority to projects in which applicants and their business partners participate as partners in the call Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges with the deadline 9 February 2022 (see ‘Other relevant calls with the same topic’ below). This applies to projects and activities that are adjacent to the Innovation Project.
Roughly NOK 40 million has been set aside in total for the Maritime Zero 2050 initiative and will be awarded under this call and the calls Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges and Demonstration Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.
Priorities within the topic ‘Maritime industries’
Under the topic ‘Maritime industries’, priority will be given to projects involving research tasks that require integrated efforts from a variety of stakeholders in order to achieve project objectives, and in which research findings will be of benefit to many companies in the industry.
To carry out full-scale testing of experimental technology on vessels/at facilities in commercial operation, funding is available under this call for an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector for demonstration activities in which several industry actors collaborate on equipping commercial vessels with new technology concepts for testing and further development. The aid intensity for such demonstration activities will generally be limited to 25 per cent of project costs, since such R&D activity is classified as ‘experimental development’ under the state aid rules.
When awarding marks for the relevance criterion, we will consider how well the application addresses the above. Emphasis will be placed on the description of relevance under section 4.2 of the project description.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 60 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Maritime industries’.
The projects can receive NOK 3–16 million in funding from the Research Council.
Other relevant calls with the same topic
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects seeking to generate knowledge about ecosystems in the ocean and coastal areas and the impact of pressures from human activity.
For more information about the priorities for this thematic area, please see the portfolio plan under ‘Relevant plans’ below.
Within this thematic area, priority will be given to projects that help to develop solutions and technology, including digital solutions, for advances in the fisheries industry, the marine processing industry and among companies using marine resources to produce energy or new marine products. Cooperation between actors across the ocean industries will be viewed in a positive light when assessing grant proposals.
Processing time
All applications of relevance to this thematic area will be processed after the deadline of 14 September 2022, and the funding decision is expected by mid-December.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 20 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Fisheries and other marine industries including processing of harvested seafood’.
The projects can receive NOK 2–10 million in funding from the Research Council.
Relevant plans
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects within all relevant areas of the aquaculture industry. Projects concerning all aquaculture species and the whole value chain from feed ingredients to processing of aquaculture products are relevant for funding. Project funding may be sought by producers as well as industry suppliers.
For more information about the priorities for this thematic area, please see the portfolio plan under ‘Relevant plans’ below.
Projects within this topic that contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable growth and development of the aquaculture industry will be prioritised. As regards applications from suppliers, priority will be given to projects with partners that are end users (producers).
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 40 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Innovation in the aquaculture industry’.
The projects can receive NOK 2–10 million in funding from the Research Council.
Relevant plans
Funding is available for projects encompassing the development and exchange of expertise and technology across the ocean-based industries, i.e., maritime industries, aquaculture, fisheries, offshore oil, gas and renewable energy, as well as new ocean-based industries.
Applications must explain the type of development and/or exchange of expertise/technology between the ocean-based industries the project will advance. Applications that target funding under this topic must describe which ocean-based industries the expertise or technology development is relevant to.
When prioritising between applications, in addition to the assessment of quality of each individual application for the topic Ocean technology and expertise across ocean-based industries, emphasis will also be placed on the priorities given for other topics relating to ocean-based industries announced in this call.
Project collaboration between actors across the ocean-based industries is expected, and it is especially encouraged to include end users in the collaboration.
Applications for this topic must also be relevant to at least one other topic announced in this call, primarily within the ocean-based industries. The application must therefore also satisfy the criteria stipulated for the other topic(s). Applications that are relevant to the topic Ocean technology and expertise across ocean-based industries may be moved to another topic under this call without us requesting the applicant’s approval of this.
Processing time
Applications of relevance to this thematic area will be processed after the deadline of 14 September 2022, and the funding decision is expected by mid-December.
Roughly NOK 10 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Ocean technology and expertise across ocean-based industries’. The funding will be used to co-finance projects that meet the requirements for this topic. The rest of the Research Council’s funding will be covered by another topic under this call.
Relevant plans
Industry and services
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects across the full breadth of Norwegian trade and industry. Projects should reflect and support the companies’ own strategies and challenges. Project support is to enhance value creation through the development of new, knowledge-based trade and industry or the renewal and restructuring of established trade and industry.
This thematic area is complimentary to the other thematic areas in this call. This means that funding is available for projects in all sectors, disciplines and technology areas not encompassed under the other thematic areas in this call for an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector. The health portfolio in this thematic area only covers human health.
Projects with plans for sharing and dissemination of knowledge to enable a greater number of companies and communities in Norway to benefit from the project results will be viewed positively. This is possible to achieve by the projects engaging in broad-based collaboration, for example between actors along a value chain or across sectors and thematic areas/subjects, or through plans for publication, dissemination to relevant user groups or industry clusters. To be awarded funding, it is decisive that the funding will have a trigger effect for the project’s implementation, partner constellations and sharing of results.
We seek good consortia where trade and industry collaborate with relevant Norwegian research organisations and stakeholders to contribute to the sustainable transition of established trade and industry or pave the way for new trade and industry. Projects in which companies use sustainability and the green transition to enhance their competitiveness nationally and internationally, for example by increasing their export potential, will be viewed positively. We would like projects from all areas of Norway.
The Research Council seeks to achieve a balanced project portfolio that covers the whole country and accommodates the full range of industry and service areas, also across different branches, sectors, subject areas and along value chains. We aim to allocate around 40 per cent of the funds to companies that have not previously received funding for an innovation project as either an applicant or business partner. We will also prioritise industry areas or regions that are inadequately represented in the portfolio.
Priority will be given to projects with major potential for sustainable value creation in Norway, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in particular projects that can contribute to environmental sustainability, for example in circular economy, sustainable production and consumption or new business models.
When awarding marks for the relevance criterion, we will consider how well the application addresses the points above. Strong emphasis will be placed on the description of relevance under section 4.2 of the project description.
Budget and funding amount
NOK 530 million has been set aside for Sustainable value creation in Norwegian trade and industry. The projects can receive NOK 2–16 million in funding from the Research Council.
NOK 20 million earmarked for projects concerning plastic
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund is contributing NOK 20 million for projects concerning plastic. Relevant areas of research include reducing consumption, preventing waste and increasing circular plastic consumption. We will contact relevant projects to request consent to share the application with the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund, which has an advisory role as regards the allocation of these funds.
General enquiries
Building, construction and real estate sector
ICT industry, finance and bankin
Media and culture, Travel, hospitality and tourism Retail/wholesale sector, Other service provision
Health industry
Manufacturing industry
Processing industry
Relevant plans
Land-based food, the environment and bioresources
Funding is available for projects that encompass research-based innovations for production, value chains and consumption of land-based food and feed, forestry and wood-based industries, and other land-based bioresources.
Industry, including land-based biobased industries, plays a key role in the efforts to realise a sustainable future as described in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ambitions for Norway’s green transition.We are looking for projects that contribute to limiting global warming, conserving biodiversity, reducing waste and pollution and ensuring a safe food supply. This requires a new approach to production, value chains and consumption.
Current solutions, technologies and value chains must be challenged, restructured and improved and there is also a need for brand new innovations and technologies. We will provide funding for projects that can form the basis for new trade and industry in Norway, and that can also be scaled up for the international market. We want to support businesses that will spearhead the work on realising the green transition and a sustainable future.
For more detailed information on priorities for this topic, see the portfolio plan in ‘Relevant plans’ below.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 43 million has been set aside for ‘Land-based food, the environment and bioresources’. Updated 10 august 2022: However, funding is no longer available for the autumn of 2022.
The projects can receive NOK 2–10 million in funding from the Research Council.
Funding is available for projects that promote increased value creation, profitability and sustainability throughout the agricultural value chain. According to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable food production covers economic and social conditions, as well as environmental and climate considerations.
The research should help Norway to achieve its agricultural policy objectives, and the applications should be connected to one or more of the four overriding agricultural policy goals, cf. Report No 11 to the Storting (2016–2017) and Proposition No 1 to the Storting (Resolution) (2020–2021). Grant applications must refer to existing challenges, research questions and knowledge gaps, and explain specifically how the project will address these and help to realise agricultural policy objectives.
Please note that adjustments may be made in connection with guidelines from this year’s Agricultural Settlement.
Applications for this topic must include an attachment of no more than one page stating the title of the project, its goals and a summary in Norwegian.
Food security and preparedness
The main objectives are to ensure that consumers have safe food and to strengthen food preparedness. These topics have become particularly relevant in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through our investment in research and education, breeding and processing, we can make better use of our biological resources. Good plant and animal health, good animal welfare and high-quality processing provide the foundation for producing sufficient quantities of safe food.
The following areas are particularly relevant:
- Norwegian agricultural supply capacity in times of crisis;
- increased production and utilisation of Norwegian feed resources;
- factors that affect the production capacity of arable soil (soil health);
- anti-resistance strategies against plant pests in agriculture and horticulture and against pathogens in livestock;
- sustainable materials and packaging technology for a correct shelf life and reduced food waste;
- transfer of compounds that are hazardous to health to food and fodder crops through soil, air and water;
- the risk of international trade to Norwegian plant and animal health.
Agricultural production throughout the country
Agricultural production throughout the entire country can be achieved by facilitating diversified agriculture with varied farm structure and geographic production sharing that provides opportunities for jobs and settlement across Norway. Measures to increase the use of soil resources and grazing resources and measures that ensure recruitment to agriculture and the food and beverage industry throughout the country will help to promote this. Projects concerning the following areas are of particular relevance:
- increased use of grazing resources in uncultivated areas;
- more knowledge to enhance educational programmes and increase recruitment to agriculture and the food industry;
- increased sustainability in Norwegian agriculture and food production in relation to labour and/or human resources;
- more knowledge about the ability to achieve the agricultural policy objectives through effective design of market schemes and agricultural policy instruments targeting the agricultural value chain, including production, market, the environment and climate.
Increasing value creation
Agricultural policy is to lay the foundation for profitable and sustainable value chains in agriculture and the food industry, including the income opportunities and ability of farmers to invest in their farms, and to promote the efficient, profitable use of a farm’s combined resources. Market-based production opportunities must be employed and the value chain for food must be cost-effective and competitive. Norway must be further developed as a food-producing nation.
The following areas are particularly relevant:
- developing knowledge and methods to better utilise residual raw materials in the value chain for food and beverages to develop new and profitable products;
- mapping the opportunities to increase Norwegian food production and competitiveness for the agriculture-based food and beverage industries in a changing market;
- mapping of innovation potential in and across value chains;
- developing new technology and new methods to improve efficiency in every segment of the value chain, such as automation, robotics, information technology and sensor technology;
- further developing methods and collaborative solutions for the collection, analysis and utilisation of large amounts of data;
- increased knowledge of consumer trends, diet, health and nutrition.
Sustainable agriculture with reduced greenhouse gas emissions
Sustainable agriculture entails sustainable use and strong protection of agricultural areas and resource bases. The cultural landscape and biodiversity must be safeguarded, and pollution and greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced. We must also increase CO2 uptake and implement good climate adaptation measures.
The following areas are particularly relevant:
- new knowledge and methods that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration in agricultural value chains from the primary sector to the consumer;
- new knowledge on climate-adapted production and adaptation strategies;
- improving the knowledge base on the climate impacts of different production methods;
- mapping and finding solutions to environmental challenges resulting from the impacts of agriculture on ecosystems, aquatic environments and biodiversity;
- organic production.
What do we prioritise when deciding which applications will receive funding?
The boards of FFL/JA prioritise applications on the basis of scientific merit, relevance to the call and benefit to agriculture and food industries. Applications are otherwise prioritised on the basis of the industry’s R&D needs, ongoing research activities and distribution among the industry branches. This is because the research projects will be financed by the industry itself through the payment of research duties on agricultural products and transfers through the Agricultural Agreement Research Fund. The contribution from the different industries will therefore be reflected in the project portfolio.
The research must be adapted to Norwegian conditions and interdisciplinary collaboration in the project is deemed a positive factor. The boards emphasise the importance of the research results benefiting the industry as quickly as possible. Innovative and user-friendly dissemination measures are considered positive. Collaboration between the aquaculture and agriculture industries is also considered a positive factor where relevant. Industry actors in the land-based value chain must nonetheless have significant involvement in the project.
All applications with relevance to FFL/JA’s part of the call will be processed by the boards of FFL/JA after the deadline of 14 September 2022 and the funding decision is expected by mid-December.
For more detailed information, see the website in the link below.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 55 million has been set aside for research on agriculture and food industry (FFL/JA).
The projects can receive NOK 2–10 million in funding.
Relevant plans
Enabling technologies
Funding is available for R&D-based innovation projects for the development of knowledge and technology within the areas of nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials.
Nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials are important drivers of innovation and business development. Applicants must describe how development of the new knowledge and technology relating to nanotechnology, microtechnology and/or advanced materials will lead to the project’s planned innovation.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals and major societal challenges dominate the political agenda. Nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials are not limited to any particular areas of application and can be relevant to all of the Sustainable Development Goals.
There is often uncertainty surrounding the actual effects of technology development and innovation. In addition to solving societal challenges, using new technology can also play a part in creating, or reinforcing, such effects. In the grant application, you should therefore reflect on and discuss intended and potentially unintended applications and effects of the technology you are developing. You must ensure that relevant users and other stakeholders can be involved in the project and develop solutions, products and/or processes in line with expectations of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Any challenges in the project relating to health, safety and the environment must be clearly described.
Budget and funding amount
The Research Council has set aside roughly NOK 60 million for projects relating to ‘Nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials’.
The projects can receive NOK 2–16 million in funding from the Research Council.
The funding framework for the first period will be limited to up to 60 per cent of the announced budget.
To be relevant for funding, the application must demonstrate very good quality of research and innovation and high relevance to the topic ‘Nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials’.
Relevant plans
Funding is available for innovation projects that will lead to radical new technologies and concepts across the enabling technologies. Biotechnology, ICT and nanotechnology are typical examples of enabling technologies, but do not on their own represent technological convergence.
Technological convergence is not limited to any particular areas of application and can be relevant to all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Major societal challenges and the Sustainable Development Goals dominate the political agenda, and new technology is expected to provide solutions. Enabling technologies are among the key drivers of change and transformation.
The projects must be innovative and target radical innovations. The projects can be high risk–high gain, meaning there can be a high risk of not achieving the project's goals if the potential benefits to society and potential value creation are high. However, you must describe how you plan to handle various risk elements relating to the implementation of the project in the grant application.
There is often uncertainty surrounding the actual effects of technology development and innovation. In addition to solving societal challenges, using new technology can also play a part in creating or reinforcing them. In the grant application, you should therefore reflect on and discuss intended and potentially unintended applications and effects of the technology you are developing. You must ensure that relevant users and other stakeholders can be involved in the project and develop solutions, products and/or processes in line with expectations of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Any challenges in the project relating to health, safety and the environment must be clearly described.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 50 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Technological convergence’. The projects can receive NOK 2–16 million in funding from the Research Council.
The funding framework for the first period will be limited to up to 60 per cent of the announced budget.
To be relevant for funding, the application must demonstrate very good quality of research and innovation and high relevance to the topic ‘Technological convergence’.
Relevant plans
Funding will go to projects that encompass research on issues relating to petroleum activities in open areas on the Norwegian continental shelf. For issues related to safety, land-based facilities may also be relevant.
You can apply for projects concerning the following thematic areas relating to petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and the environment
- Subsurface understanding
- Drilling, completion, intervention and permanent plug and abandonment of wells (P&A)
- Production, processing and transport
- Major accidents and the work environment
For more information about priorities for this thematic area, please see the portfolio plan below. Particular priority will be given to projects that seek to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions on the Norwegian continental shelf
Across the calls for proposals Knowledge-building Project for Industry, Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (this call), Demonstration Project for the Industrial Sector and Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges, we wish to allocate a minimum of NOK 35 million in 2022 to projects targeting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Applicants must give an account of the estimated total emission reduction for the technology/technologies the proposed project has targeted for development. You must also include a description of the time perspective and framework conditions for implementing the knowledge/technology, viewed in context with the industry’s new climate goals for 2030 and 2050.
Cross-sector collaboration
The Research Council strives to achieve a strong link between the project portfolios of supported projects. Applications for projects of a genuine cross-sectoral nature that are relevant to the fields of energy and petroleum research and/or CO2 management, will be considered for co-funding between the portfolios.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals
Emphasis is placed on how well you specify the project’s contribution to achieving one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the following, we have described the SDGs that we believe may be relevant to the different thematic areas, but you must assess how your project specifically can contribute to achieving the goals.
Sustainable management of petroleum resources rests on the sector achieving the climate goals the industry has set itself. The transition towards growing ocean-based industries, such as offshore wind power and production of blue hydrogen combined with CCS, is also important to the petroleum industry. The following SDGs may be relevant: SDG 7: Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all and SDG 13: Climate action.
SDG 8: Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, will mainly be relevant to projects concerning health, the working environment and safety. SDG 12: Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns and SDG 14: Conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, may be relevant for projects that contribute to reduced emissions to the sea. Applications for this call may also be relevant to SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
When awarding marks for the relevance criterion, we will consider how well the application addresses the points above. Strong emphasis will be placed on the description of relevance under section 4.2 of the project description.
Budget and funding amount
Roughly NOK 87 million has been set aside for projects relating to ‘Petroleum’. The projects can receive NOK 2–16 million in funding from the Research Council.
Reducing greenhouse gases, energy efficiency and the environment
Subsurface understanding
Drilling, completion, intervention and P&A
Production, processing and transport
Cross-sector collaboration
Relevant plans
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
Applications must be created and submitted via My RCN Web. The application and all attachments must be written in Norwegian or English. This call has an open-ended deadline. A unique grant application may therefore only be submitted once (whereas calls with a fixed deadline may be submitted and resubmitted multiple times up to the submission deadline). It is nonetheless possible to create a new application, e.g., by submitting a copy of the one you have already submitted and thus submit a new version by the deadline. You can then decide which version you would like us to assess.
- All attachments to the online grant application form must be uploaded in PDF format. The templates for attachments can be found at the end of the call for proposals.
- The project description must be written using the designated template, and all sections must be completed.
- If the applicant has submitted the same or similar grant proposals to other Research Council calls for proposals, this must be stated in the grant application.
- All project costs must be budgeted in accordance with the Research Council's guidelines.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of up to 10 pages in length using the designated template.
- Information about partners for the company submitting the grant application (Project Owner) and each of the participating companies (company partners) using the designated template.
- CVs for the project manager and other key project participants (e.g. individuals responsible for the project’s work packages) using the designated template. A maximum of five CVs can be attached per application.
Note that all the templates are new for 2022.
All requirements set out in the call must be met. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements, or requirements relating to the Project Owner, collaboration and roles in the project, will not be considered.
We will not assess documents and websites linked to in the application, or other attachments than those specified above. There is no technical validation of the content of uploaded attachments, so please ensure that you upload the correct file for the selected type of attachment.
Assessment criteria
We assess applications in light of the objectives of the application type in question and on the basis of the following criteria:
• To what extent does the innovation represent something new?
• To what extent is the innovation targeted towards clear needs or new market opportunities for the Project Owner and the companies that are partners in the project?
• To what extent does the project build on relevant and updated knowledge?
• To what extent does the project employ relevant and recognised R&D methods?
• To what extent are the R&D activities ambitious and essential for the success of the innovation?
• To what extent does the project give appropriate consideration to ethical issues and/or gender perspectives in the research?
• To what extent does the project contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
• To what extent can the project have positive external impacts for trade and industry, the public sector and society at large?
• To what extent will the project have significant financial benefits for the Project Owner and the companies that are partners?
• To what extent is the plan for implementation of the R&D results and realisation of benefits relevant and appropriate?
• To what extent does the R&D project plan incorporate appropriate and effective objectives, work packages, milestones, resources and relevant risk assessments?
• To what extent will the project have access to the necessary R&D expertise and adequate capacity to carry out the R&D tasks?
• To what extent does the project manager have appropriate expertise and experience to lead the R&D project?
• To what extent does the project have an appropriate project organisation with a clearly defined and relevant distribution of the budget, roles and responsibilities?
• To what extent does the project reflect the strategic priorities of the Project Owner and the companies that are partners?
• To what extent is the budget and funding plan realistic and feasible?
Relevance to the call for proposals
• To what extent have the conditions set out in the call for proposals with regard to collaboration and specification of roles been met?
• To what extent can support from the Research Council be expected to trigger increased R&D investment among the Project Owner and the companies that are partners in the project and provide added value to the project beyond the financial support?
• To what extent does the project meet the topic’s guidelines and priorities?
Administrative procedures
The application and all mandatory attachments will be made available in a digital portal for referees who will perform an assessment of the criteria ‘Excellence’, ‘Impact’ and ‘Implementation’. Each application will normally be assessed by a referee panel comprising three experts. The referee panel will submit a consensus-based assessment for each of the three criteria.
If the mark awarded by the referee panel for all of the criteria is 4 or higher on a scale where 7 is the highest mark, the application will also be assessed by the Research Council’s case officers on the basis of the criterion ‘Relevance to the call for proposals’. The assessment and marks for all four criteria will be consolidated into a single, overall mark that indicates the merit of the application.
The Research Council administration will then present the project proposals and their respective marks to the Research Council’s portfolio boards for the final funding decision. The portfolio boards will attach importance to achieving a balanced project portfolio in the areas under their purview and in relation to ongoing projects and applications submitted under other calls for proposals. These assessments will be based on the budgetary framework, the text of the call for proposals and documents referred to in the description of the respective thematic areas. An overview of all ongoing projects is available at
Each portfolio board will also act in accordance with the Research Council’s general policy for allocation of funding, including policy on:
- prioritisation of projects based on the impact on sustainability and the environment, assuming all other quality-related factors are essentially equal;
- prioritisation of projects led by women project managers, assuming all other quality-related factors are essentially equal;
- research ethics perspectives.
Expected funding decision
Grant applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year. We will process applications twice in 2022:
- Period 1: Applications submitted from 18 January and until midnight 9 March will receive an answer by the end of June.
- Period 2: Applications submitted from 10 March and until midnight 14 September will receive an answer during December.
Some thematic areas may allocate all available funding by June 2022. In such case, we will post a notification of this at the top of the call for proposals.
Projects may not start until notification of funding has been given. This means that the earliest start-up date for projects submitted by 9 March is 1 July 2022, and the earliest start-up date for projects submitted by 14 September is 1 January 2023.
Re-submitting your application after a rejection
If you re-submit an application by 14 September 2022 that was initially rejected in June 2022, and no significant changes have been made to the project and application, it will be considered by the portfolio board on the basis of the original assessment.
If, however, you re-submit an application based on an unsuccessful application and significant changes have been made to the project and the application, the application will be re-assessed. The application will then be assessed by a referee panel comprising some or all of the experts who assessed the first version of your application. Applicants who are re-submitting a previously unsuccessful grant application must provide an account of the relevant changes and their significance to the project in Part 4, item 3 of the project description.
Download templates
- Mal for prosjektbeskrivelse Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet 2022.docx
- Template for Project Description -- Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
- Mal for partneropplysninger - Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet 2022.docx
- Template for Information about Applicant and Partner Companies - Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
- Template for CV - Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022.docx
About the results of the application assessment process
- Total amount sought
- 3 584 710 000
- Amount awarded
- 817 287 000
- Total number of applications
- 378
- Number of approved applications
- 93
Project no. | Organization | Project title | Subject | Sought | Published |
337101 | CORVUS ENERGY AS | Optimized Hydrogen Powered Maritime Mobility | Hav | N/A | 13.06.2022 |
337158 | KONGSBERG MARITIME AS | HullSkater OBstacle avoidance System. | Hav | N/A | 13.06.2022 |
337001 | OCEAN FOREST AS | Automatisering av gametofyttproduksjon til oppskalering av taredyrking | Hav | N/A | 13.06.2022 |
337056 | NORCOD AS | Utvikling av fôringsstrategier for torsk for bedre produksjon og fiskehelse | Hav | N/A | 13.06.2022 |
337393 | BLUEGROVE AS | Hydroacoustic feeding and monitoring system for recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) | Hav | N/A | 13.06.2022 |
336948 | IC TECHNOLOGY AS | Low-pressure liquid hydrogen fuel system for fuel-cell-based marine vessels | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337013 | REN AS | Forsert elektrifisering gjennom tilknytning til nettet med vilkår og leveringspålitelighet tilpasset ulike nettkunder | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
336968 | GFMS AS | WindBarge- Low cost floating wind energy production | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337019 | AKER SOLUTIONS AS | Adaptive control for robotic prefabrication | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337089 | EQUINOR ASA | IPN Solflyt | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
336980 | SKALAND GRAPHITE AS | Scale-up of world-class graphite purification technology to support the development of an integrated mine-to-anode materials business. | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337353 | STATNETT SF | Bedre værprognoser for kraftledninger | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
336972 | ANTEC BIOGAS AS | HydroAntec: Teknologi for biogassbehandling av fiskeslam | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
336961 | CAPTIVA ASSET MANAGEMENT AS | Utvikling av digitale analyseverktøy for økt produksjon av uregulerbar vannkraft gjennom bedre drift og vedlikeholdsplanlegging | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337075 | GLINT SOLAR AS | Automating the early phase of the PV power plant development | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
336954 | HAGAL AS | Classification of lithium-ion cells for safe reuse | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337143 | GENOFUEL AS | Microbial BioFuel Factories – Sustainable biofuel for the future | Energi | N/A | 16.06.2022 |
337097 | KALKULO AS | AI-supported inversion of marine CSEM measurements | Petroleum | N/A | 17.06.2022 |
337141 | APITEQ AS | 3Drill | Petroleum | N/A | 17.06.2022 |
336959 | RESOPTIMA AS | Reducing CO2-emissions in petroleum production by constraining optimal depletion strategy through inclusion of emission-costs | Petroleum | N/A | 17.06.2022 |
336938 | SAFECLEAN AS | Towards safe discharge and zero pollution | Petroleum | N/A | 17.06.2022 |
336953 | NORCEM AS | Zero Carbon Emission Concrete | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336958 | GE HEALTHCARE AS | Ready-to-Use formulation of Sonazoid for contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging and therapy | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336960 | MYWORKOUT AS | Myworkout GO som Medical Device. Digital treningsstøtte som medisin for personer med Multippel sklerose og Parkinson sykdom | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336962 | ONiO AS | Development of highly accurate asset location systems based on self-powered wireless transmitter devices | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336964 | VITALTHINGS AS | Sensor-based notification and alert system installed in each patient room enabling safe monitoring of psychiatric patients during night | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336974 | CURRENCE ROBOTICS AS | Optimization and learning for Warehouse Logistics | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336977 | NORDVÅGEN AS | Destinasjon Nordvågen - Visningsenter for villfisknæringen | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336988 | LINK RETAIL AS | Retail Fresh | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336990 | SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AS | ATELIER-EO: Automated machine learning framework tailored to Earth Observation | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336993 | NAMMO RAUFOSS AS | RakettAssistert Produkt | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337007 | HYDRO ALUMINIUM AS | Development of novel technology with zero carbon emissions for primary aluminium production | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337028 | EVICI UTVIKLING AS | Digital befaring | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337033 | Ø M FJELD AS | Minimering av treavfall på byggeplass gjennom tidligfase planlegging | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337045 | GOODTECH AS | Karbonatisering av aske på Haraldrud Energigjenvinningsanlegg for anvendelse som bindemiddel i betong | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337046 | PRE DIAGNOSTICS AS | PredARIA - A new biomarker system to predict ARIA side effects | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337065 | PLAACE AS | Data-driven Real Estate Analysis and Matching | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337071 | NORDIQ PRODUCTS AS | Robust and ultra-portable vital signs multi-monitor Life Saver [LiSa] | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337078 | MICROA AS | SupaFLEX: Microalgal-derived sulfated polysaccharides as a novel multifunctional treatment of osteoarthritis | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337085 | SOUNDSENSING AS | On-Edge Anomaly Detection in Machinery Using Sound as a Data Source | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337133 | FACTIVERSE AS | EXPLAIN: Explainable AI for automated fact-checking and additional insight - when facts are not enough | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337139 | AIRSIDE INNOVATION AS | From manual to AI-assisted airport safety reporting through human-AI teaming | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336987 | POINTBREAK AS | Konvertering av multilagsmaterialer til nafta og oligomere i et plastraffineri. | Industri og tjenestenæringer | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337130 | Inhibio AS | InhiFloat - Novel antifouling approaches for PE based flotation devices | Muliggjørende teknologier | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337411 | Alginor AS | Spesialcellulose fra Laminaria hyperborea for høyverdi applikasjoner produsert i tråd med legemiddelstandarden. L | Muliggjørende teknologier | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337127 | NANOPOWER AS | Nanopower technology enabling limitless IoT deployment | Muliggjørende teknologier | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
337135 | NODE PHARMA AS | Product maturation of the Node Nanoparticle (NNP) technology for treatment of metastatic cancer | Muliggjørende teknologier | N/A | 20.06.2022 |
336939 | LedaFlow Technologies DA | Advancing LedaFlow for robust and accurate multiphase flow simulations to enable transport and injection of CO2 | CO2-håndtering | N/A | 22.06.2022 |
337117 | NORSVIN R&D AS | Utilizing spectroscopy and CASA to predict in vivo fertilization in cattle and pigs | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
337016 | Toten Agro AS | Kålrot med stabil indre kvalitet | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
336931 | ORKEL AS | "Fremtidens Fôrsystem - Industri 5.0 for en bærekraftig agri-industri" | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
337012 | AGDIR DRIFT AS | Smart Agriculture Data Fusion for Decision Support | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
336986 | HOLM GÅRD AS | Sustainable increases in market share of Norwegian grown onions by utilizing side streams and improved shelf life of peeled onions. | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
336971 | COLUMBI FARMS AS | Nutricycle | Landbasert mat, miljø og bioressurser | N/A | 24.06.2022 |
340974 | GREENTECH INNOVATORS AS | Microalgal omega-3 rich feed ingredient from mixed organic wastes | Hav | NOK 7 850 000 | 01.12.2022 |
341001 | AQUABIO AS | Optimization of feeding strategies using 3D sonar monitoring of feeding behaviour and pellet detection | Hav | NOK 10 000 000 | 01.12.2022 |
341007 | AKER BIOMARINE ASA | Realizing the full potential of krill processing side streams in sustainable health-promoting ingredients (RealKrill) | Hav | NOK 5 242 000 | 01.12.2022 |
340998 | DNV AS | Marine co-existence scenario building | Hav | NOK 8 844 000 | 01.12.2022 |
337050 | POLAR ALGAE AS | Miljøvennlig sekvensiell ekstraksjon av bioaktive molekyler fra grisetang – Ascophyllum nodosum | Hav | NOK 2 820 000 | 01.12.2022 |
336955 | SHIPSHAVE AS | Reducing ship emissions by hull performance sensing during transit | Hav | NOK 4 836 000 | 01.12.2022 |
340810 | Wavefoil AS | WaveFin - Baugfoiler for havgående fartøy i lav fart | Hav | NOK 3 435 000 | 01.12.2022 |
340981 | VARD DESIGN AS | ICHzero - Integrated cooling and heating for zero-emission operation of offshore ships | Hav | NOK 4 950 000 | 01.12.2022 |
340982 | DOF MANAGEMENT AS | A new cost-effective concept for heavy maintenance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines by use of large OSCV. | Hav | NOK 8 000 000 | 01.12.2022 |
341045 | DNV AS | The role of SIMulation in assurance of intelligent and comPLEX systems | Hav | NOK 9 649 000 | 01.12.2022 |
341026 | SALAR AS | Yaw control of single point moored floating wind turbines | Energi | NOK 4 877 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341078 | KONGSBERG AUTOMOTIVE AS | New components and systems for thermal management of electrical vehicles | Energi | NOK 10 000 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341054 | CORVUS ENERGY AS | Seal integrity analysis of maritime battery cells for 2nd life applications | Energi | NOK 4 990 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341080 | WAI ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS AS | Conversion of BIOmass resource from forest industry into hard carbons as greener sodium ion battery ANODE (BIOANODE) | Energi | NOK 9 984 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341058 | OCEANTECH INNOVATION AS | Mooring chain cleaning robot (SeeMoor) | Energi | NOK 11 208 000 | 12.12.2022 |
340988 | YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA | Fast discovery of new functional materials for greening industry | Energi | NOK 11 297 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341077 | NORCONSULT AS | Sikker drift av vindkraftverk i vinterklima | Energi | NOK 4 783 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341013 | OCEAN SUN AS | Improved yield, lifetime and LCOE of floating solar power plants | Energi | NOK 4 200 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341086 | GREENSTATION AS | Fleksibel effektutnyttelse på energistasjoner for å unngå effekttopper fra hurtiglading og hydrogenkomprimering. | Energi | NOK 5 675 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341062 | ENTRO AS | EntroInnova: Digital forsterkning av energiøkonomisering | Energi | NOK 14 400 000 | 12.12.2022 |
341044 | LayerOne AS | Conductive Inks based on Reduced Graphene Oxide | Muliggjørende teknologier | NOK 9 000 000 | 13.12.2022 |
341076 | Nadeno Nanosciense AS | Nano-co-formulations for new combination therapy: Reviving hard-to-deliver drugs for improved and synergistic treatment effect | Muliggjørende teknologier | NOK 10 860 000 | 13.12.2022 |
340853 | OIVI AS | OneVision: Retinal Camera with Integrated Machine Learning Screening and Diagnostics | Muliggjørende teknologier | NOK 16 000 000 | 13.12.2022 |
340865 | NICOUSTIC AS | Non-intrusive separator level monitoring | Petroleum | NOK 8 559 000 | 16.12.2022 |
341124 | PGS Geophysical AS | Cost-efficient, Low-Emission, Acquisition of time-lapse seismic for the Petroleum and New energy sectors (CLEAN) | Petroleum | NOK 11 912 000 | 16.12.2022 |
341194 | KONGSBERG MARITIME AS AVD CARPUS KONGSBERG | Digital life cycle management of interoperable safety systems | Petroleum | NOK 8 200 000 | 16.12.2022 |
341352 | PRE STACK SOLUTIONS-GEO AS | Pre-stack implementation of the AI-based seismic inversion algorithm with artificial constraints | Petroleum | NOK 2 000 000 | 16.12.2022 |
340788 | N2 Applied | Oksidasjon av nitritt til nitrat i organisk avfall behandlet i N2 Applieds plasma-absorpsjonsprosess ved hjelp av oksidanter | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 4 200 000 | 20.12.2022 |
340994 | Graminor | Innovative verktøy for å bekjempe jordbårne patogener i korn | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 4 800 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341006 | Orkla Foods Norge | SOUP: Konkurransedyktige, bærekraftige og mer skånsomme, optimaliserte prosesseringsmetoder for sunnere mat med enklere ingredienslister | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 4 300 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341018 | RealTimeID | Sirkulær verdikjede for smarte øremerker | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 10 700 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341019 | TINE | Forebyggende effekt ved daglig Jarlsberg-inntak mot beinskjørhet og redusert beinhelse for risikopasienter og aktive skiløpere | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 8 800 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341031 | Animalia | SAUTO: Småfeklassifisering, AUTomatisk og Objektivt | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 4 900 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341073 | Gartnerhallen | SmartFrukt: Smarte løsninger i epledyrking sikrer kvalitetsepler til forbruker | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 8 800 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341083 | Hardanger siderprodusentlag | Siderspråk og produktdifferensiering | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 6 000 000 | 20.12.2022 |
341106 | NORSVIN | Vitrification of pig embryos for the worldwide dissemination of genetics using embryo technology | Jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA) | NOK 6 300 000 | 20.12.2022 |
340986 | Authera AS | Development of a new therapeutic for debilitating eye disease | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 8 000 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341092 | MOMEK TAPPINGMATE AS | Autonom robotisert løsning for tappeprosesser i smelteverk | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 11 500 000 | 21.12.2022 |
340985 | RARE EARTHS NORWAY AS | REEsilience - Sustainable production of light Rare Earth Elements (REE) and other valuable products from the Fen Carbonatite Complex | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 16 000 000 | 21.12.2022 |
340980 | RAILWAY ROBOTICS AS | Boots Off Ballast | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 4 100 000 | 21.12.2022 |
340863 | Jackon AS | Sirkulærøkonomiske løsninger for ombruk og resirkulering av EPS fra bygg og anlegg | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 6 900 000 | 21.12.2022 |
340905 | EXACT THERAPEUTICS AS | Enhancing immune response in solid tumours with Acoustic Cluster Therapy (ACT®) | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 16 000 000 | 21.12.2022 |
340991 | VISMA SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL AS | Data-driven continuous management of technical debts for sustainable software development | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 15 200 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341036 | LAIOUT AS | State of the art research in automated architectural early-stage floor plan generation. | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 9 950 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341069 | ELKEM SILICON PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AS | Sustainable graphite Inoculants for Ductile cast Iron | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 13 795 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341118 | THERACULE AS | Clinical development of TQ-217, a novel drug candidate for treatment-resistant epilepsy. | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 10 175 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341231 | PLEAT EVAPORATORS AS | Robuste, kompakte og smarte evaporatorer basert på norsk bretteteknologi - for avsalting og rensing av industrielt avfallsvann | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 3 302 000 | 21.12.2022 |
341132 | Drytech AS | Recyclable Barrier Pouch with extraordinary shelf life | Industri og tjenestenæringer | NOK 9 800 000 | 21.12.2022 |
Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 13:01 CET