The Norwegian maritime industry is an international leader, and the Norwegian aquaculture and fishing industry are important export industries. Norway also has the highest proportion of marine scientists per capita in the world. Knowledge and technology development for sustainable management of the sea is necessary to ensure a clean and rich sea, healthy and safe seafood, and sustainable, value-creating and competitive Norwegian maritime industries.
Overall plans Ocean research (in Norwegian only)
Portfolio plan
The portfolio plan has been processed by the Portfolio Board, but not yet formally approved by the Research Council's Executive Board.
Portfolio analysis
The portfolio analysis shall form a basis for portfolio plans, investment plans and reporting.
Investment plan
The investment plan shall provide an overview of the total calls for proposals and other activities planned with the use of the portfolio board's own funds.

UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Read moreTop overlapping portfolios
The portfolio board
The portfolio board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within the Oceans, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.
The members are:
Kjell Bjordal, Norsk Landbrukskjemi, Molde, Chair
Arne Karlsen, Gunnar Klo AS, Øksnes
Bente Torstensen, Nofima, Bergen
Bjørn Johan Vartdal, DNV GL, Bærum
Brit Hjeltnes, Self-employed, Bergen
Erik Olsen, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen
Ingrid Schjølberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Ketil Hylland, University of Oslo, Oslo
Knut Andresen, Brunvoll, Molde
Pia Meling, Massterly AS, Lysaker
Trude Borch, Akvaplan-niva, Tromsø