International Arctic Science Committee
The Research Council is looking for one Norwegian representative for each of the working groups Terrestrial, Marine and Society/Humanities in the IASC. Do you want to participate, or do you have a colleague that you can nominate?
The Research Council of Norway appoints Norwegian representatives to the working groups of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). There are two Norwegian researchers in each of the working groups, and we are now looking for one new member for each of the working groups terrestrial, marine and society/humanities. Appointments will take place from 1 January 2025 for a period of four years.
We are looking for motivated candidates from Norwegian research institutions who actively participate in Arctic research.
You can read more about the tasks in the working groups' mandate. More information about the IASC and the individual working group can be found on the IASC website. In the coming years, the IASC will focus on the next International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-33).
The representatives will participate actively in the working group meetings, in any digital communication, and establish an informal scientific network in Norway within the working group's subject area. Normally, there is one annual physical working group meeting in connection with Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW). The Research Council provides travel support for participation in one annual working group meeting, usually to the ASSW. The representatives will write a short summary report to the Research Council from the meetings. The individual working groups may have physical or digital meetings outside of this.
To the nomination form. The deadline for nomination is 1 November 2024 kl. 23:59
Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 23:02 CET