What are European Partnerships?
A quarter of all funds in Horizon Europe go to partnerships. The partnerships are large consortia with many actors in different disciplines, sectors and industries. Such partnerships are characterised by the European Commission, through the partnerships, agreeing that funds from the framework programmes will be used together with funds from the member states or from the business sector. The bulk of the funds go to industry-oriented partnerships.
ERA-LEARN has websites with, among other things, information about the partnerships, about participation, about calls for proposals ("call calendar") and about funded projects. There are three types of partnerships: co-financed, agreement-based, and institutional. Participation in the partnerships represents great opportunities for Norwegian research groups and companies.
The three types of partnerships in Horizon Europe
The partnerships in Horizon Europe are established through three different types of agreements between the European Commission and the relevant partners. For some partnerships, the EU requires public national co-financing. Norwegian participation in these areas is formally approved by the Ministry of Education and Research and the relevant sector ministries, and in most cases Norwegian funding comes from the Research Council.
Co-funded European Partnerships
Co-funded partnerships are established through a Grant Agreement between the Commission and national research funders. The main activity is to arrange joint calls for proposals with funding from the countries, but the partnerships also carry out other activities to strengthen cooperation between the countries. As a general rule, Horizon Europe will provide funding of up to 30 per cent of what these countries contribute. The partnerships organise their own calls for proposals, which will be available in the EU application portal. In most of these types of partnerships, the Research Council is a Norwegian partner, and calls for proposals under which Norwegian research groups may apply are also announced on the Research Council's website.
Co-Programmed European Partnerships
Co-programmed partnerships are established through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Commission and other actors. The partners may be industry, umbrella organisations, public authorities or research institutions. Through this agreement, the partners gain influence on calls for proposals in the framework programme and must at the same time commit to using their own resources in the same area. For these partnerships, there are ordinary calls for proposals in the framework programme, which is available in the EU application portal.
Institutionalised European Partnerships
Institutionalised partnerships are based on Article 185 or 187 of the EU Treaty, and are established as separate legal entities through decisions of the Council and the Parliament. The partners may be industry, umbrella organisations, public actors or research institutions. The partnerships have their own secretariats that run the activities. They also organise their own calls for proposals that will be available in the EU application portal.
Here are the partnerships in Horizon Europe
49 partnerships have been established at the start-up of Horizon Europe. Most are within four of the thematic clusters in Horizon Europe's Pillar 2. Below is a brief mention of each one. We have retained the English titles since these are the ones that must be considered in all information and dialogue about partnerships.
All partnerships have a contact person at the Research Council. In cases where the Research Council contributes funding, the Research Council also participates in the partnership's governing bodies. For some of the other partnerships, a so-called SRG (State representative group) has been established in which the Research Council participates, possibly together with the relevant ministries.
The partnerships are large consortia with many actors in different disciplines, sectors and industries. They can function very differently, and it is therefore the contact person for each partnership who can best inform about plans, activities and opportunities for Norwegian actors.
Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Read about European partnerships in health on the European Commission's website.
The Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
This is an institutional partnership. It will support international cooperation, research and capacity strengthening to accelerate the development, evaluation and implementation of interventions to prevent, identify and treat infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. The Research Council is a Norwegian partner, and the Ministry of Health and Care Services is the responsible ministry. The funding is mainly in-kind, i.e. relevant projects with Norwegian funding are brought into the partnership as Norwegian contributions.
Contact person: Karine Kålsås
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)
This is an institutional partnership. It will support the healthcare industry and contribute to health innovation that enables cross-sectoral technologies, knowledge, products and services for a patient-centered healthcare system. The members are from the health industry. The Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Research Council of Norway participate in the State representative group. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be available on the EU portal.
Contact person: Margarethe Biong.
Chemicals risk assessment (PARC)
This is a co-funded partnership in which members participate with their own efforts (in-kind). It will promote research and innovation that equips chemical risk assessment and risk management bodies with new data, knowledge, methods, networks and skills to meet current and emerging chemical safety challenges. This is in line with the ambitions of the EU's Green Deal of zero pollution and a toxic free environment. The Norwegian member is the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI). Several other Norwegian research communities participate together with NIPH. The Ministry of Health and Care Services is the responsible ministry.
Contacts: Hubert Dirven and Sofia Anderholm Strand.
ERA for health
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes with Norwegian funding. HOD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. It should be a platform where public funders design and implement a common strategy in priority areas of health research and innovation within prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The ERA for Health implements and promotes the practice of responsible research and innovation (RRI), including researcher-initiated clinical trials (IICS, as of 2025).
Contact person: Cecilie A. Mathiesen.
Transformation of Health and care systems (THCS)
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. HOD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. It will promote the development of sustainable health and care systems with emphasis on quality, efficiency, accessibility and patient focus.
Contact persons: Jostein Holmgren and Siv Øverås.
Personalised medicine
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. HOD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. It will help the health systems optimise personalised medicine by, among other things, sharing data, demonstrating solutions and supporting policy development.
Contact person: Katrine Rolid
Rare diseases
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. HOD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. It will improve the lives of patients with rare diseases by developing diagnostics and treatments through multidisciplinary research and innovation programmes, and through collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.
Contact person: Simona Grasso.
One Health Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council of Norway contributes with Norwegian funding. HOD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. It will facilitate cooperation between different authorities and services responsible for AMR (human health, agriculture, environment, industry and economy). The partnership will work to achieve both European and global health policy goals.
Contact person: Alexandra Bjørk-Skaflestad
Pandemic Preparedness
This is an agreement-based partnership in which the Research Council contributes with Norwegian in-kind funding. This means that the Research Council will provide national funding for projects in an area similar to that announced under the EU's framework programme Horizon Europe. HOD is the responsible ministry. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the need for better coordinated measures in the event of a health crisis. The partnership aims to improve Europe's preparedness to predict, prevent and respond to emerging infectious health threats by better coordinating research and innovation funding.
Contact person: Simona Grasso.
High performance computing (HPC)
This is institutional partnership. The Research Council contributes with Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Affairs (KDD) is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals are announced both on the Research Council's website and on the EU portal. It will develop world-leading hyperconnected supercomputing, support the production of such systems and promote the use of this infrastructure by public and private actors.
Contacts: Waqar Ahmed.
Key digital technologies (KDT)
This is institutional partnership. It should support the digital transformation in all sectors of the economy and society, as well as make it work for Europe – also as part of the EU's "Green deal". The Research Council contributes with Norwegian funding. KDD is the responsible ministry. The Research Council also participates in the partnership's governing bodies. Calls for proposals are announced both on the Research Council's website and on the EU portal.
Contact persons: Liv Furuberg and Waqar Ahmed.
Smart Networks and Services
This is an institutional partnership. It will support the development of technology and smart networks and services in line with the EU industrial strategy and cyber security considerations. The partnership will enable European actors to develop technology for 6G systems as a basis for future digital services towards 2030. The members are mainly industry players. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The Research Council participates in the State representative group.
Contacts: Waqar Ahmed.
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics
This is a contractual partnership. It will give Europe the maximum possible benefit from AI, data and robotics. It will promote new markets and attract investment, in order to create technical, economic and social value for business, citizens and the environment. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The members are mainly industry players.
Contact persons: Waqar Ahmed
This is a contract-based partnership. It will contribute to the digital transformation towards a green and healthy future in Europe. The aim is to accelerate photonic innovations, ensure Europe's technological independence, increase the competitiveness of Europe's economy and ensure long-term job creation and prosperity. The partnership has ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The members are industry players and research institutes.
Contact persons: Waqar Ahmed
Clean steel
This is an agreement-based partnership where members come from the steel industry and relevant research institutes. The partnership has ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. In line with the goals of the Green Deal, the partnership supports the EU's goal of transforming the steel industry into a carbon-neutral industry. By 2027, the partnership will contribute to a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions and achieve higher technology readiness levels in at least 12 areas funded by the partnership. The ultimate ambition is to reduce CO2 emissions by 80-95 percent by 2050.
Contact persons: Karin Totland and Lenka Hannevold.
This is an institutional partnership. The Norwegian Metrology Service is a Norwegian member and participates with in-kind financing. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries is the responsible ministry. The partnership will contribute to making Europe a global leader in metrology research, in competition with China and the US. Europe needs a metrology system that offers good solutions, supports innovative products, responds to society's challenges and enables the effective design and implementation of regulations and standards that underpin public policy.
Contact persons: Hans Arne Frøystein, Justervesenet,
Made in Europe
This is an agreement-based partnership whose members represent the European manufacturing industry. The partnership has ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership will be a driving force for sustainable production in Europe. It will contribute to a competitive manufacturing industry in Europe that affects many different value chains. Another priority is the circular economy. The partnership will serve as a platform to align national and regional manufacturing technologies.
Contact persons: Lenka Hannevold and Karin Totland.
This is an agreement-based partnership where members represent the European process industry. The partnership has ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership aims to make the European process industry carbon neutral and at the same time competitive. The partnership takes a cross-sectoral approach and will contribute to the transformation of process industries such as cement, chemicals and steel to reach the EU's Green Deal targets by 2050.
Contact persons: Lenka Hannevold and Karin Totland.
Globally competitive space systems
This is an agreement-based partnership in which the Norwegian Space Centre is a Norwegian member. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership aims to strengthen European competitiveness in space technology. The aim is for Europe to become a leader in the telecom satellite market and in Earth observation systems.
Contact person: Øystein Helleren, Norwegian Space Centre.
Europe's Rail
This is an institutional partnership. The members are industry players, public authorities and research institutions. The Norwegian Railway Directorate participates from the Norwegian side. The Research Council participates in the partnership's State Representative Group. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The partnership aims to promote the development and deployment of innovative technologies (especially digitalisation and automation) for the railway sector and follow up on the objectives of the EU's Green Deal.
Single European Sky Aviation Research 3 (SESAR 3)
This is an institutional partnership. The members are industry players, public authorities and research institutions. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The Research Council participates in the partnership's State Representative Group. The partnership will help strengthen digital air traffic management and make the European airspace the most efficient and environmentally friendly in the world. This will strengthen the competitiveness and development of the European aviation sector post-pandemic. Key areas: improvement of connectivity, air-ground automation, increased flexibility in airspace control and safe use of drones.
Clean aviation
This is an institutional partnership. The members are industry players, public authorities and research institutions. SINTEF is an associate member of the partnership. The Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Research Council participate in the partnership's SRG. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The partnership works to make aviation climate neutral by promoting innovative (disruptive) research and innovation solutions. It will also help develop the next generation of ultra-efficient low-carbon aircraft, with new energy sources and engines.
Clean hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU)
This is an institutional partnership. The members are industry players, public authorities and research institutions. The Research Council participates in the partnership's SRG. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The partnership aims to accelerate the development and deployment of European clean hydrogen technologies, contributing to a sustainable, carbon-free and fully integrated energy system. It will focus on the production, distribution and storage of clean hydrogen to supply hard-to-make carbon-free sectors, such as heavy industry and heavy transportation applications.
Contact person: Åse Slagtern.
This is an agreement-based partnership where members represent public authorities, business and research. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership's vision is to develop building environments that are of high quality, low emissions and that are energy and resource efficient. The cooperation covers the entire value chain and will develop sector-relevant innovation clusters throughout the EU. The objectives are both scientific: generating holistic innovation for sustainability, economic: revitalizing the sector via sustainable operations, and societal: stimulating behavior change for a sustainable lifestyle. The goals will be achieved through a user-oriented approach.
Contact person: Marianne Haavardsholm Aandahl.
Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO)
This is an agreement-based partnership where members represent public authorities, business and research. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership aims to accelerate the development of emission-free road transport in Europe. The cooperation will promote European leadership in innovation, production and services. A key challenge is to introduce competitive heavy long-haul vehicles.
Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
This is an agreement-based partnership where members represent public authorities, business and research. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership aims to accelerate the implementation of innovative and automated mobility technologies and services. By 2030, the partnership will have demonstrated user-oriented and well-integrated concepts with increased safety and reduced carbon footprint. It will make Europe a world leader in the distribution of connected and automated mobility for people and goods.
Zero-emission waterborne transport (ZEWT)
This is an agreement-based partnership where members represent public authorities, business and research. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. The partnership aims for the European Union to lead and accelerate the transformation of maritime and inland water transport to eliminate all harmful environmental emissions. By 2030, the collaboration will develop and demonstrate zero-emission solutions that are applicable to all main ship types and services, and that will make it possible to realise emission-free waterborne transport by 2050.
European Battery Value Chain (Batt4EU)
This is an agreement-based partnership whose members represent public authorities, business and research. The partnership will issue ordinary calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. This partnership aims to support the development of a world-class European research and innovation ecosystem on batteries, aiming at industrial leadership for Europe in the design and manufacture of batteries for the next generation of both stationary and mobile applications. The partnership pays a lot of attention to sustainable materials, recycling and reuse.
Contact person: Marianne Haavardsholm Aandahl.
Driving urban transitions (DUT)
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Affairs is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will engage the full range of actors responsible for the development of cities and urban regions (local authorities, municipalities, businesses and citizens) and help co-create innovative, systemic and human-centred solutions, tools, methods and services in support of the transformation of cities and urban regions.
Contact person: Ida Ulleberg Jensen.
Clean energy transition (CEPT)
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. As a Europe-wide transformative research and innovation programme, this partnership aims to accelerate the energy transition in all dimensions. It will involve joint research and innovation programmes from regional to national and global levels, with support from industry, public organisations, research and citizens' organisations to make Europe a frontrunner in energy innovation and ultimately the first climate-neutral continent.
Contact persons: Aage Stangeland and Marianne Haavardsholm Aandahl.
Accelerating farming systems transition
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The purpose of the partnership is to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture in Europe through research and open innovation. This will promote a better interaction between nature and agriculture and is applied in long-term and site-specific living laboratories and research infrastructures. The cooperation will help agriculture understand and implement agroecological practices.
Contact person: Gudrun Langthaler.
Animal Health and Welfare
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will provide key knowledge, services and products to improve the control of infectious diseases in animals (livestock production and aquaculture), and strengthen preparedness against future threats to animal and public health. The partnership will promote knowledge-based policy formulation and management in the field of animal health and welfare.
Contact person: Maan Singh Sidhu
This is a co-funded partnership, developed together with the European Commission as part of the EU's biodiversity strategy towards 2030. The Research Council contributes with Norwegian funding. KLD is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will provide a platform that connects national, local and European research and innovation programmes and combines cash and in-kind financing towards a common goal – to safeguard biodiversity in Europe.
Contact person: Jonas Enge.
Sustainable Blue Economy
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding and participates in coordinating the entire partnership. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will support the EU's Green Deal and support policies for a climate-neutral, sustainable and productive blue economy that preserves biodiversity.
Contact person: Marianne Areng. and Inderjit Singh Marjara
Safe and Sustainable Food systems
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will coordinate and exploit European and national R&Iefforts that secure future Food systems through an integrated and multidisciplinary systems approach, promoting the "Farm to Fork" strategy.
Contact person: Mona Gravningen Rygh.
Water security for the planet (Water4All)
This is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council of Norway contributes with Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Climate and Environment is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership will promote transformations across the water research and innovation system and foster collaboration between different actors. The partnership will establish a portfolio of multinational and cross-sectoral approaches, addressing political, environmental, economic, technological and societal considerations that can contribute to water security for all.
Contact persons: Johannes Holmen and Jonas Enge.
Circular bio-based Europe
This is an institutional partnership. The Research Council participates in the partnership's state representative group. Calls for proposals are announced on the EU portal. The partnership will contribute to climate targets, facilitate climate neutrality, and promote sustainable and circular production and consumption in line with the European Green Deal.
Contact person: Inderjit Singh Marjara
Read about European partnerships across various themes on the European Commission's website
The partnership Innovative SMEs
This partnership contains Eurostars for small and medium-sized enterprises is a co-financed partnership in which the Research Council contributes with Norwegian funding. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries is the responsible ministry. Calls for proposals from the partnership will be announced on the Research Council's website. The partnership covers a niche not covered by other European, national and regional initiatives. This requires research and innovation cooperation between two or more international partners, of which a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) is the leader. The partnership will help innovative SMEs grow and integrate into global value chains and new markets.
Innowide is part of the EU's Partnership for Innovative SMEs. Here, SMEs and startups can apply for funding for commercialisation outside Europe.
Contact person: Cathinka Holtermann.
The European open science cloud (EOSC)
This is an agreement-based partnership of which the Research Council of Norway is a member. The Ministry of Education and Research is the responsible ministry. The partnership will develop and make available European research and innovation infrastructure so that Europe's approximately 2 million researchers can store, share and reuse research data across borders and disciplines.
Contact persons: Odd Ivar Eriksen and Nenitha Charlotte Dagslott.
EIT- KICs (European Institute of innovation & technology - Knowledge and Innovation Communities)
A number of EIT KICs have been established under Horizon Europe. These are partnerships that will support work in the knowledge triangle, i.e. cooperation on research, education and innovation. It is the European Institute of innovation & technology that enters into partnerships with universities and industry. The Research Council has no role in these partnerships, but has a contact person for this part of Horizon Europe.
The following EIT-KICs have been created:
- EIT Climate-KIC
- EIT InnoEnergy-KIC
- EIT Digital-KIC
- EIT Health-KIC
- EIT Food-KIC
- EIT Manufacturing-KIC
- EIT Raw materials-KIC
- EIT Urban Mobility-KIC
- EIT Cultural and Creative Industries-KIC
Contact: Julie Christiansen
Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 16:36 CET