The Centres for Research-based Innovation scheme
The Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) develop expertise that is important for innovation and value creation. Long-term research in close cooperation between R&D-active companies and prominent research groups will strengthen technology transfer, internationalisation and researcher training. The centres have been established for a maximum period of eight years.

The SFI centre will be announced in 2024, where funding will be announced for at least eight centres through a two-stage application process. The application deadline for phase 1 will be 18 September and the text of the call will be published in April 2024. SFI will strengthen the innovation capacity of the business sector through research collaboration with the R&D institutions to address the long-term needs and challenges facing the business sector.
was allocated to the senters in 2023
SFI-IV (2020-2028)
- BLUES - Floating structures for the next generation ocean industries
- Centre for Geophysical Forecasting (CGF)
- Centre for Industrial Biotechnology
- Centre for research-based innovation on Mobile Mental Health (ForHelse)
- Centre for Space Sensors and Systems (CENSSS)
- Climate Futures
- CRIMAC - Centre for research-based innovation in marine acoustic abundance estimation and backscatter classification
- Digifoods - Digital Food Quality
- DigiWells - Digital Well Center for Value Creation, Competitiveness and Minimum Environmental Footprint
- Dsolve - Biodegradable plastics in marine applications
- earthresQue - Centre for Rescue of Earth Materials and Waste in the Circular Economy
- MediaFutures - Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation
- NORCICS - Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors
- NorwAI - Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation
- ProCardio - Precision Health Center for optimized cardiac care
- SFI AutoShip - Autonomous Ships for Safe and Sustainable Operations
- SFI Harvest - Technologies for sustainable biomarine value creation
- SFI PhysMet - Centre for sustainable and competitive metallurgical and manufacturing industry
- SFI Smart Ocean - Flexible and cost-effective monitoring for management of a healthy and productive ocean (e-post)
- SmartForest - Bringing Industry 4.0 to the Norwegian forest sector
- SWIPA - Centre for Subsurface Well Integrity, Plugging and Abandonment
- Visual Intelligence
SFI-III (2015-2023)
- BIG INSIGHT – Statistics for the knowledge economy
- C3 - Centre for Connected Care - Accelerating adoption and diffusion of patient-centric innovations
- CASA – Centre for Advanced Structural Analysis
- Center for Offshore Mechatronics
- Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations (CIRFA)
- CIUS - Center for innovative ultrasound solutions for health care, maritime, and oil & gas industries
- Centre for Closed-containment Aquaculture (CtrlAQUA)
- Exposed Aquaculture Operations
- Foods of Norway
- iCSI - industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation for a competitive and sustainable process industry
- Klima 2050 – Risk reduction through climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure
- SFI Manufacturing - Sustainable Innovations for Automated Manufacturing of Multi-Material Products
- Marine Operations Center (MOVE)
- SFI Metal Production
- SFI Smart Maritime - Norwegian Centre for improved energy-efficiency and reduced emissions from the maritime sector
- SIRIUS – Centre for Scalable Data Access
- SUBPRO - Subsea Production and Processing