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Regional EU networks - develop your ideas and find partners in Norway

Participating in a regional EU network can help you to find partners and increase your insight. You can also apply to the Research Council for support to establish a regional EU network.

COST – for individuals with national funding in any sector and area

COST is a European research and technology collaboration with participation from 38 countries, as well as Israel as a cooperating country. Open to participants from all sectors and subjects. The purpose is to build networks by solving a common problem ("COST action"). Relevant for researchers and non-academics with project funding, at all career stages.

COST website

COST contacts

Trude Dypvik

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

MSCA RISE – for academic personnel or employees in other sectors

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) is for personnel in academia or other sectors who are looking to work in a network and exchange knowledge. RISE is one of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions under Horizon 2020, and applicants must be part of a project group (consortium) to be eligible for funding.

EUs MSCA website

MSCA RISE contacts

Per Magnus Kommandantvold

    Banebrytende forskning

Berit Sundby Avset

    Banebrytende forskning

I wouldn’t have participated in these networks if I didn’t think there were major benefits.

Forsker Lone Ross Gobakken

Your value as a colleague and partner grows when you’re part of a network.

Professor Pia Lane

We hope COST will lower the threshold for many more Norwegians to venture out into the larger world of science.

Professor Mats Tilset

Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 15:14 CET

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