Portfolio plan Global Development and International Relations
Investment goals
The Government's priorities are stated in the long-term plan for research and higher education 2019–2028. This portfolio will have a particular responsibility for the long-term plan's priority area Societal security and social cohesion in a globalised world.
The efforts outlined in this portfolio plan will contribute to realising the main goals of the Research Council of Norway's executive strategy, Empowering ideas for a better world (2020 – 2024), in particular the goal of Sustainable Development and the strategic area Cohesion and Globalisation.
The investment goals consist of societal goals and user goals based on the criteria from the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management.[2] The measures initiated by the Research Council shall result in expected outcomes and societal impacts that are in accordance with an intervention logic model. See Appendix 1 for a presentation of this portfolio's investment logic model.
Messages at time of print 15 March 2025, 08:53 CET